Education is Valuable to Your Health
This blog site is a space for others to tap my brain about questions they may have about dental and overall health issues. I may not always know the answers to your questions at first, but I do know how to find answers, and I love to dig for information. That is why many of my patients like me and find my diagnosis skills pretty top notch. I don’t give up very easily, and when I cannot find an answer, the question always remains with me for future opportunities when new information appears. So much of healthcare involves problem solving and a willingness to stick with the problem until resolution or satisfaction occurs. I admit that sometimes no immediate solution seems to be obvious, but with a lot of patience and perseverance, unknown options tend to surface.
If you have a question, please send a message to our office email at with a heading of “DENTAL BLOG QUESTION.”
I look forward to this space of interaction and engagement. I will post monthly, if not more, in the coming months.
In the meantime, take some time to get outside this spring. Nature is one of our greatest nurturers!
In Health,
Dr. Knowles